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So Money with Farnoosh Torabi

17-08-2022 • 3 minuti

Welcome to So Money with host Farnoosh Torabi, award-winning financial correspondent, best-selling author, and television personality. This podcast brings candid conversations about money with the world’s top business minds, authors, and visionaries. It addresses financial well-being at the intersection of race, gender, climate change, relationships, and our changing world. On Fridays, Farnoosh answers your biggest money questions. If you're not sure where to start, check out Farnoosh's conversations with Seth Godin (25), Rachel Rodgers (1192), Jen Risher (1201), Celeste Headlee (1270), Alexandra Carter (1304) and Ramit Sethi (1367). You can reach Farnoosh by emailing her Farnoosh@SoMoneyPodcast.com.

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