Remembering Phil Lesh

Brokedown Podcast

05-11-2024 • 3 ore 25 minuti

With a blend of sadness for loss and joy for the music and memories that we will always cherish, we pay tribute to Phil Lesh. A number of friends sent in their own remembrances and musings on the man and what he meant to them. I have included them along with a substantial dose of music for an epic episode, befitting this beast of a bass player and singular musician.

I'd like to thank the following for their contributions (in order of appearance):

Ike Turner (Wowza In Kalamazoo)
Stefan Beck (Golden Brown, Prairiewolf)
Andrew Hitz (
Jake Lyons (NYCTaper)
Jeffrey Alexander (Heavy Lidders)
Josh Moss (The Modern Folk)

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