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Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier
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Brani più ascoltati
1. Resonemus hoc natali
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
2. Orienti oriens
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
3. In hoc anni circulo
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
4. As I Was Saying
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
5. Young Turtle Asymmetries
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
6. Story
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
7. Ut te per omnes celitus / Ingens alumnus Padue
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
8. Cum martelli / La manta
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
9. “Mediolano” Sanctus
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
10. Per larghi prati
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
11. O zentil madona mia
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier
12. Venecie mundi splendor / Michael qui Stena domus
Theatre of Voices and Paul Hillier & Paul Hillier