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The Anthem Orchestra
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17 Classic National Anthems
Album • 2015
Du gamla, Du fria (National Anthem Of Sweden)
Singolo • 2014
Brani più ascoltati
1. Himno Nacional Argentino (National Anthem of Argentina)
The Anthem Orchestra
2. La Brabançonne (The Song of Brabant) (National Anthem of Belgium)
The Anthem Orchestra
3. Deutschlandlied (Die Deutsche Nationalhymne – the National Anthem of Germany)
The Anthem Orchestra
4. Der Er Et Yndigt Land (National Anthem of Denmark)
The Anthem Orchestra
5. La Marseillaise (National Anthem of France – L’ Hymne Nationale De France)
The Anthem Orchestra
6. Hino Nacional Brazileiro (National Anthem of Brazil)
The Anthem Orchestra
7. Himno Nacional De Chile (National Anthem of Chile)
The Anthem Orchestra
8. The Star Spangled Banner (National Anthem of the United States of America)
The Anthem Orchestra
9. Maamme (Our Land) (National Anthem of Finland)
The Anthem Orchestra
10. Ons Heemecht (Unsere Heimat) (National Anthem of Luxemburg)
The Anthem Orchestra
11. Du Gamla, Du Fria (Thou Ancient, Thou Free) (National Anthem of Sweden)
The Anthem Orchestra
12. Гимн Советского Союза (Hymne Der Sowjetunion/Udssr - National Anthem of the Ussr)
The Anthem Orchestra
Album più ascoltati
1. 17 Classic National Anthems
Album • 2015