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The Universal Band
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Deutsche Nationalhymne - Deutschlandlied - Die Nationalhymne Deutschlands
Singolo • 2018
National Anthems of England - Scotland - Ireland - Wales
EP • 2018
Brani più ascoltati
1. Italian National Anthem (Fratelli d'Italia)
The Universal Band
2. Spanish National Anthem (Spain - La Marcha Real)
The Universal Band
3. British National Anthem - God Save The Queen - The National Anthem of Great Britain (God Save Our Gracious Queen)
The Universal Band
4. Государственный гимн России - Patrioticheskaya Pesnya
The Universal Band
5. Deutsche Nationalhymne - Deutschlandlied - Die Nationalhymne Deutschlands
The Universal Band
6. Hymne National Français - La Marseillaise - L'hymne National de la France
The Universal Band
7. Croatian National Anthem (Croatia - Lijepa nása domovina) (Hrvatska himna)
The Universal Band
8. Polish National Anthem (Poland - Mazurek Dabrowskiego) (Polski hymn narodowy)
The Universal Band
9. Brazilian National Anthem (Brazil - Hino Nacional Brasileiro) (Hino Nacional Brasileiro)
The Universal Band
10. Argentine National Anthem (Argentina - Himno Nacional Argentino) (Hino Nacional Argentino)
The Universal Band
11. Danish National Anthem (Denmark - Der er et yndigt land)
The Universal Band
12. Sweden National Anthem (Sweden - Du gamla du fria) (Sveriges folklöfte)
The Universal Band
Album più ascoltati
1. World Cup National Anthems - Football Anthems of 2018 Soccer World Cup
Album • 2018
2. National Anthems of the World
Album • 2016